Stiff vs. Regular Flex Driver

Picture of Cole Pippo
Cole Pippo

Partner at Independent Golf Reviews

Most simply put, a regular flex shaft requires less swing speed and force generated during the golf swing to be used efficiently compared to a stiff shaft.

This means that in general, if you have a faster swing speed you should use stiff shafts and if you have an average swing speed you should use regular flex shafts.

Nick Sherburne, the founder of one of the world’s largest club fitting franchises Club Champion, believes 90 percent of recreational players use a shaft flex that isn’t optimal for their swing.

Still vs regular flex shaft

Which One Should You Use?

In our discussion below, we’ve taken the question of “Which type of golfer will benefit from a regular or stiff shaft?” and broken it down into easy to understand sections.

After our shaft flex guide, readers will know how to determine which flex shafts they might need and how to tell if their current shaft flex isn’t producing as good of results as possible.

Swing Speed

The number one factor when you’re going to select a shaft for you is how fast you hit the ball.

In general, golfers with a fast swing should use a stiff shaft and those with slowed swings should use a regular flex shaft.

To check your swing speed a shot tracking device will be the most accurate method.

Based on your swing speeds here are our recommendations:

  • 80-95 mph swing speeds should use regular shafts
  • 90-105 mph swing speeds should use stiff shafts
  • 110+mph swing speeds should consider Extra Stiff shafts.

If you don’t know your swing speed you can use this chart to give you a fairly accurate estimate:

For example, say your average carry distance with your driver is 240 yards.

Following the graph we included, that would make your relative clubhead speed 100 miles per hour.

As a general rule, slower swing speed golfers have better distance and ball flight control with lighter driver shafts than stiffer ones.

Still, as we’ve determined with the help of major shaft makers, there should be other factors looked at when deciding between regular vs. stiff.

Driver Carry Distance

144 yds

168 yds

192 yds

216 yds

240 yds

264 yds

288 yds

312 yds

336 yds

Clubhead Speed Estimate

60 mph

70 mph

80 mph

90 mph

100 mph

110 mph

120 mph

130 mph

140 mph

Ball Flight

Most golfers have heard great players describe seeing the ball come off the clubface “in the right window,” but what does that actually mean?

This is a golfer’s way of describing the ball launches at an angle off the club face that inspires confidence in the player that their golf ball is going to end up at their intended target.

Your ball’s trajectory during its flight will lend a hand in determining whether a regular flex or stiff flex driver shaft will work better for your swing.

For example, if you’re a right handed player who tends to have mis-hit shots end up higher in the air and be drastically affected by wind, you may be playing too light or weak of a shaft for the force generated during your swing.

Alternatively, if you’re a right handed golfer who tends to have errant shots be low in ball flight and feel “uncontrollable,” your stiffer shafts might not allow enough energy to be transferred to the ball during contact.

Many golfers only realize they have the wrong flex or are playing the wrong shafts by noticing the ball consistently misses in one of these areas. If you’re left handed, just reverse the directions listed above.

Take the information of your most common ball flight, your mis-hit shot ball flight, and your dream ball flight to your golf gear expert, and they will have a great starting point to begin finding you the right flex for your clubs.


Tempo is one of the more overlooked aspects of proper shaft fitting, and the attached video explains the different needs of a fast versus an “easy” relaxed tempo.

Your “tempo” is another way of saying how you transition from the top of your backswing to making contact.

To explain the example used in True Tempers video, faster tempo swings will require stiffer flex shafts than easier tempo swings due to greater force being created from the quicker tempo.

How to Pick Between Regular and Stiff Shafts

Now that you have a clear idea of your swing speed (clubhead speed) and ball flight characteristics of misses and well-struck shots, you do have near endless online resources to give suggestions for the right shaft flex for your swing, but we would still recommend a professional club fitter.

That being said, we understand that professional fittings are a luxury that only a small percentage of the golfing population gets to experience, and have listed some of the greatest online shaft fitting resources for your convenience below.

Take the information gathered from the questions we discussed above and input the data into any of these sites:

Why You Should Get Fitted For Your Driver Shaft

Besides having the tools and resources to allow golfers to test many different shaft flexibilities with accurate and confirmable data tracking, pro club fitters test and look for additional factors that even professional golfers have no idea of knowing.

These factors include testing shafts with varying “kick points” and whether or not “tipping a shaft” would be beneficial to your golf game.

Kick Point

A shaft’s “kick point” (also referred to as a “bend point” or “flex point”) is the area of the shaft that bends the most during the golf swing. Shaft creators label their shafts varying kick points as “Low Kick Point,” “Mid Kick Point,” or “High Kick Point,” depending on where the area of flex occurs, and each style of kick point directly relates to the ball flight achieved.

Low Kick Point = Higher Trajectory

Mid Kick Point = Mid Trajectory

High Kick Point = Lower Trajectory

Fitting professionals will have the knowledge from previous experiences and years of seeing other swing tempos to know after a few swings if a lower or higher kick point shaft will be needed to achieve better results with your swing.

Shaft Tipping

In the simplest terms, “shaft tipping” is when a club builder removes length from the “tip” of a golf club’s shaft (where the head connects to the shaft) to increase stiffness as well as torque (resistance to twisting through impact).

Only a professional master fitter with considerable experience in the field will know if a shaft being “tipped” will directly benefit the way the ball behaves off your club face.

This insider “club fitter knowledge” leads to tighter shot dispersions, more reliable and consistent carry yardages, and more ball flight and trajectory control for players.

Final Thoughts on Stiff vs. Regular Flex Driver Shaft

First, golfers should evaluate their swing speed using our chart above or a speed testing tool of some kind.

As we discussed, usually, slower swing speeds have greater results with a more flexible shaft, but that isn’t always the case.

Next, players should think about the ball flight you most commonly see during well struck shots and poorly struck shots. If you’re repeatedly missing in a similar pattern, you might be playing the wrong shaft for your swing.

Lastly, evaluate your swing on film and recognize if your tempo is fast or relaxed.

You now have a lot of the necessary information to make a more wise decision between regular flex or stiff flexshaft and how to determine if the shaft you’re currently playing with is the proper fit.

If you have the time, and resources, and live in a location close to a professional fitting expert, take the above information to them.

They will be the best to determine whether a stiff or regular flex shaft will best benefit your game.

Now that you are able to determine which shaft flex is right for you, it is time for you to read our article on the Best Driver Shafts

How A Shaft Changed Helped Me

I played competitively in high school but didn’t play more than a few times a year in college. After completing my studies, I decided to dedicate myself to the game once again. During my time spent passively playing the game in college, I grew a few inches and added over 30 pounds to my frame, gaining a lot of strength and speed at the same time.

I realized that I no longer had the issue of a lower ball flight with my irons, and if anything, now had a problem of having too much height with my long irons resulting in a loss of reliable carry distances.

I paid for a professional club fitting and was shocked to find my swing speed and unique swing characteristics led me to find shafts that were 40 grams heavier and “Tour Stiff” compared to my previous 90 gram stiff flex iron shafts.

The difference in dispersion between my older iron shafts and newer iron shafts was daylight and dark.

The substantially heavier and stiffer shafts resulted in me gaining control of my ball flight, exponentially more distance, and the ability to repeat results for accurate carry yardages to take to the golf course.

My handicap instantaneously dropped and I’ve been singing the praises of professional shaft fittings ever since.

About The Author

Cole Pippo – Partner at Independent Golf Reviews
Independent Golf Reviews has tested and reviewed 1000+ golf products over the past 10 years. We use our experience and expertise to give golfers an unbiased insight on the market. 
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