Putter Length By Height

Picture of Cole Pippo
Cole Pippo

Partner at Independent Golf Reviews

The average putter length is 35 inches, this is the standard putter length you’ll find off the shelf at your local golf store. 

A standard 35 inch putter is too long for most golfers.

Unless you are 6’2″ or taller, your golf game will likely benefit from a shorter than standard putter. 

Golf is all about the short game, and having the proper putter length is absolutely crucial to your putting.

If you’re not sure if you’re using the right putter length, check the chart below to see what length putter you need.

Putter length by height

Putter Length by Height Chart

There’s an easy way to determine general putter length, it can be done using just a golfer’s height. This is going to work for everyone, even taller golfers.

Generally speaking, you can match the correct size putter to a height based on the list below.

Height – Putter Length Fitting Chart

Height Putter Length
5'0 - 5'2"
32.5 inches
5'3" - 5'4"
33 inches
5'5" - 5'7"
33.5 inches
5'8" - 5'10"
34 inches
5'11" - 6'1"
34.5 inches
6'2" - 6'4"
35 inches
Over 6'4"
36 inches

This means that if you are of a male of average height in America, 5’9″, your putter is probably too long. 

Of course, there’s always room for some wiggle room.

Not every golfer of the same height is going to be built the same way or have the same preferences.

It’s important that you fit your putter to your comfortability.

Why Putter Length Matters

Putter Length Determines Swing Arc

One of the biggest reasons to get the correct putter length is due to the way it determines your swing arc.

When a putter is the correct length, it creates the optimal lie angle.

Lie angle is the angle created by resting your putter’s head on the ground behind the ball.

If you have the correct putter length, the center of the putter head will lie on the ground, giving you the proper lie angle.

If you have a longer putter, the heel of the putter will rest on the ground.

If you have a shorter putter, the opposite end will lie on the ground.

This is going to have a dramatic effect on the way that you swing the putter, and as such, it’ll change your short game dramatically.

If your lie angle is incorrect, you’re going to see your golf ball traveling in a direction that you never intended.

So that is why putter length matters. It is the basis of all of your directional control.

Putter Length Determines Putting Stance

In golf, stance is everything.

This is especially true when it comes to putting.

Your putting stance is going to determine your overall perspective of the short game, as well as your swing weight and distance control.

If your putter is too long, your eye position is going to be too far underneath the golf ball.

If it’s too short, it’ll be too far over it.

This is going to change the way you see the target line to the hole.

A short putter is going to, for all intents and purposes, be swung too hard.

When you change your posture to swing, your swing weight is going to increase, since there’s less likelihood you’ll collide with anything (including the ball).

The opposite will happen with a long putter – you’ll probably chip the ground, and probably the ball.

Get Custom Fitted for a Putter

Now, if you’re completely dedicated to golf, then you’re going to know that a properly fit set of golf clubs is incredibly important.

A properly fit putter is equally important.

If you want to up your game as much as possible, a custom fitted putter may be the way to go. These are the things that you’ll go through:

  • Your golfing goals. Believe it or not, a professional club fitter is going to be able to pick a putter for you that will adhere to how you play the game.

  • How you feel about your current putter. If you feel comfortable with what you’ve got, a club fitter will still find something better using different parameters measured in relation to your putting stroke.

  • Testing different putters using Balance Certified weights. This is to help find the best stroke path and impact consistency.

After all of this, the club fitter will be able to help you find the putter, including putter length, that will change the way you play for the better.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the standard putter length?

The standard putter length is usually 35 inches.

This is certainly not going to work for everyone.

In fact, it’s only really going to work for tall golfers.

Putter length is highly specific to each golfer but 35 inches aren’t going to work well for people under 6 feet tall.

I like my putter but it's too short, can I extend it?

If you like everything about your current putter, but it’s a bit too short, you can actually have it extended. A shorter putter can be given a putter extension, which involves a professional club fitter adding a new shaft or an extension. The process is not as easy as adding a new grip, though, and it will take some time and money to accomplish.

I feel like my putter is too long, but it is the correct length, what's wrong?

This is really going to come down to the individual.

If you have the right putter length, then your posture may be the issue.

Not everyone approaches the ball the same way when putting.

Some people prefer a bent over posture, while others like an upright posture.

It’s all about finding what works for you.

There’s no universal putter length that’s correct.

Be patient, and find the putter that ups your game the most!

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About The Author

Cole Pippo – Partner at Independent Golf Reviews
Independent Golf Reviews has tested and reviewed 1000+ golf products over the past 10 years. We use our experience and expertise to give golfers an unbiased insight on the market. 
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