REVIEW: ALINE Insole System
Ok, I know the title is cheesy, but we all know that proper balance in the game of golf is important and it starts from the ground up. First off, let me claim my bias towards insoles and arch supports, as I’m as flat footed as one could be. I stopped counting the amount of money I’ve spent on Dr. prescribed solutions and over the counter gizmos to walk without pain. I’ve become an expert consumer as well as an expert student, finding success and failure at my own expense. As a golfer, I enjoy the walk. So much so, that all but a handful of the rounds I play are walking. If my feet hurt, so does the rest of my body. This is where ALINE changes the story from another insert, into a whole new support system.
Of course I’m viewing this from a golf perspective, but this is just one of many insoles that ALINE has to offer peak performance in motion. Over 1000 professional athletes from Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Adventure racing, Snowboarding, Skiing, Cycling, MMA, Golf and other sports are wearing ALINE today to improve their training and performance. More than 100 X-Games medals, 13 Professional Golf Tournaments and 12 Olympic medals have been won by athletes with ALINE under their feet.
The process is not as simple as taking your existing insoles out and placing the ALINE insole in. There is a breaking in period outlined in the instructions you receive with the insoles. Wear them for an hour or two the first day and add an hour or two with them in each day after until you get about one week out. The story I hear most from people who have tried insoles like this, is they quit after the first day because their feet hurt too much. If you follow the process your feet will adapt and ALINE insoles will change your game. Even if it takes longer to adapt to them, the benefit they provide with outweigh the length of time it takes to be comfortable with them underfoot.
It was much easier to put these into my regular shoes and golf spikes since I’ve been using insoles for so long. I found the ALINE insoles to provide the best underfoot support I’ve tried in well over a decade. If you are willing to work through the process your walk will be rewarded. Every step you take will feel better, every swing you make will be easier and your game will be better.
For more information or purchase:
Quick Hits:
+ Better Posture and Balance
+ Whole Body Alignment
+ Affordable
+ Try Risk Free – 90 Day Money Back guarantee
– Process of Adapting at First May Be Unpleasant