GEM Golf Swing Trainer Review

Start Throwing Darts at Greens


Ryan Heiman
Founder and head author at Independent Golf Reviews

I practiced every day for a month with GEM Golf Swing Trainer. It is now part of the iGolfReviews morning routine. It literally takes 2 minutes of my morning to improve my golf game. The heavy weight on a rod I keep connected to a spare wedge in the iGolfReviews Office by Carl’s Place DIY Golf Simulator.  As someone who doesn’t particularly like training aids, this has been a game changer. 

This is the definitive GEM Golf Swing Trainer Review for 2023.


The expression “Throwing Darts” applies to well struck irons that land close to the pin.  We see pros do it on TV and only dream of iron play so good.  We want the ball to launch off the face and land close to the pin every time.  We know that is just a dream, but maybe we’d be happy hitting a few greens in regulation.  We often think that pounding more golf balls at the range will fix our iron play.  Yes practice helps, but it might be more about our swing mechanics than anything else. Add to the fact that it is hard to trust any training aids to actually fix something, we just concede that our game is what it is.  So it was to my surprise how this little GEM Golf Swing Training Aid changed 2 golfers’ games in just a short time.  In the last couple weeks I’ve had my best iron play ever and my son starting hitting golf balls straight.

5 Parts

The GEM Golf Swing Trainer comes in one of the smallest boxes I can think of for a training aid.  In a world of complicated drills and tools, this thing looks too simple.  There are 5 metal parts to the GEM Golf Swing Trainer: 1. A grip mount, short rod, medium rod, long rod, and weight ball.  The weight ball only attaches to the medium and long rod.  Assembly/Installation is super easy.  It doesn’t really matter what order you do things, but basically put a rod, the weight ball and the grip mount onto a club a the bottom of the grip with the weight hanging straight down with the toe of the club pointing up. There are 3 “settings” heavy, medium and light.   That’s it, now take some swings.

2 Minute Practice

I keep the GEM Golf Swing Trainer attached to a spare wedge since you aren’t supposed to hit balls with the heavy and medium weights on anyways.  I walk into the office and take practice swings.   I love that GEM Golf Swing Trainer comes with some printed instructions.  While they are simple, that is the beauty of this training aid.  Swing toe-up to toe-up.  You can start with just 1/2 swings to get the sensation it creates with centrifical force which makes you release the club through the ball.  I would walk out to the office and swing for 2 minutes and walk away.  That is it, today’s practice session was over. 

Experienced vs. Beginner

The GEM Golf Swing Trainer got use by both an experienced golfer and a beginner and it helped both golfers improve their game. I’ve been playing golf for 30+ years and have a single digit handicap.  My son however just picked up the game and has struggled to keep the ball on the course. We both spend a couple minutes every day swinging GEM and we both saw improvements.  Mine were much closer approach shots into greens and his were dramatically straighter shots with every club.  We were both blown away by the results.  I don’t think either one of us was expecting much from such a little, simple tool, but we both saw amazing results; the most for a beginner that I’ve ever seen.

Muscle Memory

The GEM Golf Swing Trainer relies on muscle memory to improve your swing.  Essentially all swinging, range sessions, lessons, etc all rely on “grooving” your swing by teaching the muscles to do a repeated action.  But I’ve seen it all before: a swing coach will get his student hitting perfect shots and then walk away only to see them revert back to poor mechanics.  The GEM Golf Swing Trainer WORKS.  Both golfers saw the power of muscle memory on the golf course.  Throwing darts and hitting the ball straight were 2 very obvious muscle memory gains for both of us. 


The GEM Golf Swing Trainer is so small, so simple and yet so helpful.  You can’t hit golf ball with the heavy and medium weights, but they created the most impactful training aid I’ve used on muscle memory.  For just 2 minutes a day your swing can get better or in my sons case way better.  I’m as skeptical as anyone when it comes to training aids, but take my first hand experience to say that this swing trainer is legit.  It creates the proper rotation through the ball at impact for straighter more accurate shots.  If you want to throw some darts at the green, check out the GEM Golf Swing Trainer.

For More Information: GEM Golf Website

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